YORK COUNTY – As the aging population increases, so does the amount of services needed and utilized in York County. Randy Jones from the Aging Partners in Lincoln and Lori Byers, director of aging services in York County, met with the York County Commissioners this past week, to talk about the needs here and the services provided.
Jones explained how all counties are covered by a designated area. “Our job is to implement federal and state funding,” he said. “We are seeing tremendous growth in the aging population, due to the Baby Boomer generation, and that generation is requiring more services. And as this happens, it’s not just aging services which is seeing growth, it is also with fire and rescue and many others.” The goal of Aging Services is to help keep elderly citizens in their homes as long as possible. He and Byers said last year, “563 individuals received nearly 23,800 total units of services delivered via York County Senior Services and Aging Partners. The need to grow services continues as services are currently only reaching 19% of county citizens who are 65 and older.” He did note the percentage is higher for the age group of 80-plus. “York County is aging,” he said. “In 2017, 26% of the county’s population was 60 and over. By 2030, the population of persons aged 65 and over is expected to increase 32%. More York County residents will seek services to remain healthy and independent in their own homes. “Regarding congregate meals, we are seeking about the same amount of people, but they are eating more frequently,” Jones said. “Either your cook is really good or they are becoming more dependent on the meal services.” Byers said both situations exist. In the fiscal year of 2023-24, York Area on Aging made 2,250 contacts with individuals; there were 4,795 meals provided; 80 units of materials and equipment which allowed residents to remain in their own homes; there were 525 hours of individualized services for people who want to live at home; there were 1,037 sessions for people regarding health, nutrition and caregiver programs; there were 156 units of in-home assistance for older adults and caregivers; meal sites were open 2,103 hours and there were 12,846 rides provided for older adults. Jones said they were asking for a 2.5% increase in funding from the county. The commissioners said the request for funding was already included in the proposed budget. Comments are closed.
January 2025