YORK – This past week, the York County Commissioners agreed the commissioner chairman should have the ability to close the courthouse and other county operations in the event of an emergency.
This is done each year, in January. This ability to close county operations can be done without a vote of the county board. This would be in the case of a blizzard, a natural disaster, etc. A few years ago, the chairman had to close the courthouse due to a bomb threat. In the event the commissioner chairman is not available when an emergency presents itself, the power to close operations and the courthouse would then go to the vice-chairman. Currently, the commissioner chairman is Randy Obermier and the commissioner vice-chairman is Daniel Grotz. County planning commission to likely send back currently proposed solar regs to commissioners1/31/2025
YORK – After a very brief meeting this week, the York County Planning and Zoning Committee looks poised to send the currently proposed solar zoning regulations back to the county commissioners.
At the start of the meeting, Chairman Aaron Kavon said, “at our next meeting will have an agenda item to act on the existing regulations before us. At this time, the planning commission will probably send back the proposed regulations that exist, to the county commissioners, and whatever other conditions you guys might want to add.” The other members of the county planning commission agreed, and the matter will be before them again at 5:30 p.m., on Feb. 24, in the commissioners’ meeting room on the main floor of the courthouse. YORK – Internet companies will be bidding for their opportunities to do projects in rural York County, as federal dollars are being provided in an effort to expand broadband through unserved and underserved areas.
YORK COUNTY – It’s the county’s obligation, by state law, to provide office space for District 5 Probation as they do work in York County.
YORK COUNTY -- The Nebraska Department of Revenue, Property Assessment Division, reminds owners of personal property that the Nebraska Personal Property Return and Schedule must be filed on or before May 1 with the county assessor where the personal property is located. If you have property at more than one location, contact the county assessor to determine the tax district.
YORK – The York County Commissioners have signed off on an agreement with Davis Design for the installation of a fire suppression system in the jail.
YORK – This past week, York County Chief Deputy County Attorney Chris Johnson told the York County Commissioners their office is in the middle of compiling statistics regarding court cases in 2024. The juvenile court statistics for last year show more kids are victims rather than perpetrators.
County board says yes to visitors improvement grant for new lobby screen at convention center1/24/2025
YORK – The York County Commissioners have said yes to a $30,000 visitors improvement grant to help pay for a new, large LED screen in the lobby of the Holthus Convention Center.
YORK – With the county board having its reorganizational meeting for 2025, committee assignments were made for the new year.
February 2025