YORK – Kicking off the process of updating the county’s comprehensive plan, the York County Commissioners and the York County Planning/Zoning Commission held a joint meeting this week, during which they heard from the county’s planner, Marvin Planning Consultants.
YORK – The York County Commissioners have agreed to stay with the same firm and the same person who has been helping with their budget and audit for a number of years.
County’s owner-occupied housing rehab program coming to a close, goal fulfilled, money spent7/26/2024
YORK COUNTY – York County’s very successful owner-occupied housing rehabilitation program is coming to a close, as the goal of 19 houses have been positively affected.
YORK COUNTY – Last September, it was announced how all the stop signs in the county would be replaced thanks to a state grant.
YORK COUNTY – The York County Commissioners have agreed to contract with the state print shop, again, to print the LB 644 pink postcards this year should they be needed.
YORK – There is currently a vacancy on the York County Aging Services Board.
Commissioner Jack Sikes said this week Dale Radcliff, who has been a member and the vice-chairman, has resigned his position. “We will be seeking someone to fulfill his position,” Sikes said. Interested individuals can reach out to Sikes or the York County Aging Services office. YORK COUNTY – The York County Commissioners will be considering the county’s annual contract for audit and budget work when they meet in regular session on Tuesday, July 23.
They have been contracting with Regier, Carr and Monroe LLP for a number of years. The firm assists the county commissioners with creating the budget each summer and they conduct the audit later in the fiscal year. Years ago, the commissioners determined there was no conflict in having the same firm conduct both the budget and the audit. Also on Tuesday’s agenda:
Sheriff: NDOT to conduct study of problematic intersections along Highway 81 bypass in York7/22/2024
YORK -- York County Sheriff Paul Vrbka says he has been informed the Nebraska Department of Transportation will be conducting engineering/traffic studies at several problematic intersections along the Highway 81 bypass around York.
YORK -- York County Sheriff Paul Vrbka said Wednesday he is "very, very pleased that rumble bars have been installed on Highway 34, on the approach to the intersection with Highway 81" in York County.
YORK COUNTY – The deadline has been reached for village board incumbents to file their intentions to run again for office.
Non-incumbents have until Aug. 1 to file their candidacies. The following are the seats up for election this year, in each of the villages in York County, and who has filed so far:
December 2024