YORK COUNTY – The county commissioners dove into a strange situation this week, in which they were asked to officially relinquish any county ownership regarding land near Thayer once called “Paradise Mills” by the late owner. The purpose of the relinquishment was to clean up the title so it can be properly sold.
YORK COUNTY – The Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) will be hosting a “community conversation” event at the end of the month, regarding the solar field project near McCool Junction.
YORK – “We’re pretty much a rubber stamp for these tax levies, as we cannot change any of them, we just have to approve them according to state law,” York County Commissioner Chairman Randy Obermier said Tuesday prior to the county board giving the final stamp of approval to all the property tax levies submitted to them by the various taxing entities/subdivisions in the county.
YORK – York County has switched to its new emergency notification system and officials are asking for residents to update their information with the new system so they can receive emergency information exactly the way they choose.
February 2025