YORK – This past week, Craig Heskett was reappointed as the vice-chairman of the York County Visitors Bureau and new YCVB director, Alex Saathoff, talked about changes in the office as a new era begins.
Saathoff met with the York County Commissioners during their regular session. She said Heskett is a “very valued member of our committee and he’s been very available to help me. The advisory committee action was unanimous, to recommend his reappointment.” Commissioner LeRoy Ott asked if Hesket wanted to continue to serve and Saathoff said that was certainly the case. “It’s always nice when we get volunteers who step up in these capacities,” said Commissioner Chairman Randy Obermier. The commissioners voted to reappoint Heskett. Obermier asked Saathoff how things were going in her new role. She was recently appointed as the new YCVB director upon the retirement of longtime director Bob Sautter. She said YCVB is now on Instagram and “we are redesigning our billboards for the first time in 20 years.” Later, Saathoff also noted how many physical files in the office have now been digitized as she is working toward using more technology in the office. “We are also starting to work on our new marketing plan,” she added. YORK – York native Alex Saathoff has been named as the next director of the York County Visitors Bureau.
Her appointment was confirmed by a unanimous vote of the York County Commissioners during their regular meeting this week. YCVB Board Chairman Sally Ruben brought forward the board’s recommendation, which was also reiterated by York County Commissioner Chairman Randy Obermier who sits on the YCVB Board as well, representing the county board. “We went through the interview process and we are recommending she be the new director,” Obermier said. This process began when longtime and original YCVB director, Bob Sautter, announced his upcoming retirement. “I grew up here in York, I graduated from York High School in 2019, graduated from the University of Kansas and then after college I moved to El Salvador where I taught,” Saathoff said. “I moved back to York, as I love York and I want to give back and work for this community.” “She brings a lot of energy,” Obermier said. “We have some goals which we feel she can fulfill and we will have a nice, fresh face at the helm of that department. We certainly appreciate all Bob (Sautter) has done for us. It’s just time to turn the page. Her start date will be after Labor Day. We are asking this board to confirm hiring her. And if you recognized her last name, she is from three generations of a family living in our county.” The commissioners approved her hiring and she will officially have the title on Labor Day, starting at the YCVB office the next day. YORK -- An open house will be held Tuesday, Aug. 27, from 3-5 p.m., in honor of Bob Sautter who is retiring from his position as director of the York County Visitors Bureau after 23 years of service.
The open house will be held at the combined offices of the visitors bureau, York County Development Corporation, York Chamber of Commerce and the York Community Foundation at 601 and 603 North Lincoln Ave. The public is invited to stop in and wish him well. YORK – Bob Sautter is in the last month of his long-held position as York County Visitors Bureau director.
York County's Visitor's Bureau Office is taking job applications for the Executive Director with an application deadline of Friday, July 26th, 2024. Working hours will be Monday through Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm with some evening and weekend work required. Shall be responsible for all promotion and marketing efforts for York County.
See complete posting on Indeed. Please complete application available at https://www.yorkcounty.ne.gov/employment.html YORK – “Well, I just love York County,” says York County Visitors Bureau (YCVB) Director Bob Sautter, when asked about his motivation to be in that position for the last 23 years-plus.
February 2025