YORK -- The York County Commissioners will be recommending Mindy Gerken, currently deputy emergency communications center director, as the new director. This comes as the position is currently vacant as previous director Leila Luft left the position to take another job elsewhere.
"We were supposed to have a meeting of the joint advisory committee (with city representatives) earlier, which has to happen when making this new appointment, but due to a publication notice issue we had to postpone the meeting until Friday," Obermier said. "We could make the recommendation as a board and approve the appointment contingent upon the committee's decision." Obermier was a participant in the hiring process. He said there were three applicants -- one obviously being Gerken. He said another applicant was from York, Pennsylvania, and the other was Saline County. "Seeing how we have someone applying from within, I'm recommending Gerken," Obermier said. "What if we make a motion as the county board we recommend Mindy for the position and we authorize the chairman to extend an offer pending the recommendation from the advisory committee," said Commissioner Daniel Grotz. "That will work and then if the advisory committee agrees, she will start in that position on July 1," Obermier said. The commissioners agreed and moved forward. If the advisory committee agrees with this appointment, they will ask Gerken to attend their next meeting. Comments are closed.
February 2025