County board says yes to visitors improvement grant for new lobby screen at convention center1/24/2025
YORK – The York County Commissioners have said yes to a $30,000 visitors improvement grant to help pay for a new, large LED screen in the lobby of the Holthus Convention Center. This week, York County Visitors Bureau Director Alex Saathoff and Holthus Convention Center Director Terri Carlson met with the county commissioners.
Saathoff explained how her board met to consider the grant request, with everyone recommending the grant. The visitors improvement funds are generated by lodging taxes in York County. The intent of these funds are to be used for improvements and projects to promote tourism in this county and in turn generate more overnight stays at the lodging properties in the county. The YCVB board makes recommendations and then the final decision is up to the county board. Carlson explained how the very large screen in question is in the lobby of the convention center, where it greets guests. She said the existing screen is created by multiple components – with several quitting working. “The existing one is old technology and the parts cannot be replaced. So we decided to go with a large LED single-screen which added functionality. We haven’t been able to use the existing screen since last fall – this project would be done in early to mid-March.” “I was at the meeting (of the YCVB board) and it was a project the board felt comfortable with,” said Commissioner Chairman Randy Obermier. “The convention center stays very busy and drives overnight stays.” “Has the city been approached to pay for any of this?” asked Commissioner LeRoy Ott, noting the city owns the convention center. “Yes, the project is going to cost $64,000 total, so the city would be paying $34,000,” Carlson said. “The YCVB board felt this was a good project and the convention center does drive visitors to York,” said Commissioner Daniel Grotz. “The fund (of available dollars) is fairly robust. I don’t have a problem with this project.” The other commissioners didn’t either and they voted unanimously to approve the $30,000 grant. Comments are closed.
February 2025