YORK – The county’s insurance committee will be considering the county insurance contract when they start meeting once again.
During their most recent meeting, York County Commissioner Chairman Randy Obermier told the other board members the committee would be meeting in early October. “We received an early number (regarding cost) and it came with a 20% increase which was just an early number,” Obermier said. He also said now that the budget work is done for the year, the handbook committee would start meeting once again to formulate changes and updates. Also during the county board’s most recent meeting:
“Correct and I’d communicate that with the person,” Perry responded. “Your department continues to grow and there is an obvious juvenile problem in York County,” Grotz said. “A few months ago you said you could take on Polk County duties so can you explain why now you need more help?” “This would make the program more efficient,” Perry said. “With our program growing, it’s getting to be similar to what we see in other counties.” “Where do you see this office in the future?” Obermier asked. “A four-person office?” Perry said probably three full-time staff members “in a picture perfect world, to serve all the youth.” “When we see truancy, do the schools bear any load in shared cost?” Obermier asked. “We are helping the schools with their truancy problems.” “What they give is access to mental health sessions and each school gives us office space when we are there, plus a laptop from York Public Schools,” Perry said.
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January 2025