McCool Junction School District only entity in York County needing to hold “pink postcard” meeting8/30/2024
YORK – According to York County Assessor Kurt Bulgrin, it appears the only political subdivision in York County needing to hold a “pink postcard” meeting this year will be the McCool Public School District. “Pink postcard” LB 644 meetings are required when taxing entities’ tax asking increase goes beyond 2%.
The meetings and the pink postcards used to notify taxpayers of the meetings are required, by a state law which went into effect two years ago. Nebraska’s Property Tax Request Act (LB644) was passed by the state legislature in 2021 and took effect in 2022. The Act requires postcards to be sent to each parcel owner (in a taxing sub-district) which includes details about proposed increases and location information for a special hearing. Two years ago, two school districts in the county had to hold pink postcard meetings. Last year, the county and Southeast Community College had to hold meetings. This process includes the county contracting with a printing company to create the postcards, with information provided by the assessor’s office with collaboration of the county clerk’s office to set the hearing. The expense of the postcards is then covered by the political subdivision holding the hearing. The date, location and time have not yet been set. Those details will be published as soon as they are available, as well as being available on the pink postcards taxpayers will receive. Comments are closed.
September 2024