YORK COUNTY – York County Clerk Mary Melby has confirmed a recall election regarding a McCool Village Board member will proceed. This effort began in late September when Larry Blum from McCool Junction filed to circulate a petition asking to recall Patricia Wagner, who is in the middle of her four-year term on the McCool Village Board.
His statement, regarding his reason for seeking the recall, says, “Violations of Open Meetings Law. Talks abusively to people. Abusive to employees. Telling people from outside businesses that they are not allowed to talk to Village Clerk and other Village Board Members.” Wagner’s official response statement says, “To my knowledge I have followed the open meeting laws. I have never spoken abusively to any employee or member of the public, nor have I directed anyone to not speak to the village clerk or any board members, and request proof of all allegations.” Blum had to turn in at least 42 valid signatures (those of registered voters residing in the village limits of McCool Junction) in order for the special recall election to take place. The number, Melby explained, is derived from state law calculations, which say in order for a recall election to take place, the number of signatures on the petition must equal 35% of the most votes cast in the last election (2022) regarding the village board election in which Wagner was elected. Melby says the minimum figure of valid signatures was achieved. “They got enough verified signatures to proceed,” Melby said. The special election has been set for Feb. 11. Melby said her office is working with the Nebraska Secretary of State’s office to establish an all-mail election. “That is our intent at this point,” Melby said Friday. “It hasn’t been set in stone yet but that is the intent. If it is an all-mail election, ballots will be sent to all the registered voters living in the Village of McCool. They then can vote and either mail their ballots back to us or return them to the county clerk’s office by 5 p.m., Feb. 11.” At that point, the ballots will be counted to determine if Wagner should be recalled. She said the secretary of state’s office has confirmed this matter does qualify for an all-mail election – they are just working through the required procedures at this time. More information will be published as soon as the all-mail aspect is solidified. Comments are closed.
January 2025