YORK COUNTY – Tallgrass representative John Hladik met with the York County Commissioners this past week to provide an update on their carbon capture pipeline project in York County. He explained how Tallgrass already has infrastructure in York County “and we want to increase our investment in Nebraska, as we have been working with ethanol companies.”
That includes the Green Plains ethanol plant in York County. He explained how the carbon capture pipeline will generate $18 million in property taxes in the state -- with a portion of that in York County. “We have been having community meetings and we held a first responder meeting in York County,” Hladik said. “We hope to have another first responder meeting here in the near future.” He said the company has 100% of the survey permissions from local landowners and they are working with landowners on easements. “We submitted our road crossing agreements with the county,” he added. He said the company hopes to have construction start in November, after the harvest is completed. “We hope to have it all in the ground and be running in mid-to-late 2025.” “It sounds like all the zoning issues have been worked out and you just need some road crossing permits,” said York County Commissioner Randy Obermier. “Yes, it’s been working with the planning and zoning administrator and the county’s legal team,” Hladik said. Obermier asked Hladik to come back with another update this fall, which Hladik said will happen. Comments are closed.
January 2025