YORK COUNTY – The York County Commissioners will be convening as the York County Board of Equalization at 9 a.m., on Friday, Sept. 13, to consider some valuation protests. This is the only item on the agenda of this special meeting.
York County Assessor Kurt Bulgrin said there are only two protests to consider. Property owners had until Sept 4 to file protests – one protest filing came in the afternoon of Sept. 3 and the other on Sept. 4. He said the board of equalization has to act on these by Sept. 15 and the board’s next regular meeting is Sept. 17, so they have to have a special meeting Friday morning. The valuation protest timeframe was extended this year, due to some earlier miscalculated valuations and then the process of refiguring those valuations. Because of that earlier issue, property owners had an extended period of time in York County to protest their valuations. Comments are closed.
January 2025