YORK – After 10 years as the York County Clerk – and many years before that spent as an employee in the clerk’s office as well as deputy – Kelly Turner has announced her plans to retire. The matter was discussed this week before the York County Commissioners.
Turner became the county clerk in February of 2014, upon the retirement of former clerk, Cynthia Heine. She has run unopposed ever since and is currently in the middle of her four-year term. “I started working at the county clerk’s office in 2003,” Turner says, “so it will be 21 years in September.” Turner says Aug. 1 will be her last day as county clerk. “It’s just time,” Turner said, regarding her decision to retire. “Everyone says you will just know when that time has come and that’s happened for me. It’s been with great consideration that I have made my decision. I have thoroughly enjoyed my many years here, working for York County, and we have a great staff here at the clerk’s office so the transition will be a smooth one.” She said she’s very proud of the people who work with her, saying their vast knowledge in the many tasks of the clerk’s office – as well as the tasks of the election and registrar of deeds – will allow the important county work to continue seamlessly. The county commissioners accepted her resignation and letter announcing her decision to retire, while thanking her for her many years of service to York County. "We don't have to act but I think it's appropriate we do so to get the ball rolling for appointing a replacement," York County Commissioner Chairman Randy Obermier said during Tuesday's meeting of the county board. "We will open the position but not fill until her last day as has come." Upon their official acceptance, the process started toward naming her replacement. The commissioners will accept applications, conduct interviews and appoint a new clerk. "We will start asking for applications, until the end of the month; we will hold interviews here, in the first meeting in August, in public, as we have always done," Obermier explained. "I've been here 10 years, Jack (Sikes) has been here longer. I have always worked with Kelly and I have to say the people in the public see the office of the clerk as one way but it really is many different roles. It really is the dumping ground for the county, as the chairman I've seen it all. York County has had the right person in this role for many years and now, unfortunately, we will be losing that person. But we are confident we will be moving forward in the right way, and we want to so thank Kelly for her years of service. We don't want to see you go, but we are happy for you at the same time." "We will miss you here," Commissioner Daniel Grotz said to Turner, "but we also want to thank you for all you've done through your years." Whomever is appointed as the new clerk will fulfill Turner’s current four-year term, which, as said earlier, is at the mid-way point. The position will come up for election in 2026. Comments are closed.
February 2025