YORK – During this week’s reorganizational meeting of the York County Commissioners, the board members chose the chairman and vice-chairman for the board of commissioners and for the board of equalization. Typically, in the past, the chairman for the board of commissioners was the same for the board of equalization – but this year, the commissioners decide to switch that up a bit.
Commissioner Randy Obermier has served as chairman for several years. That will continue in 2025. Commissioner Daniel Grotz has served as the vice-chairman for several years. That will continue in 2025. But when it comes to the board of equalization, when the commissioners convene as such, Grotz will serve as that chairman with Commissioner Andy Bowman serving as the vice-chairman. Obermier said he earlier contacted the Nebraska Association of County Officials (NACO) to inquire as to whether state law provides for a county to have an opportunity for co-chairs for the county board. NACO officials said state law does not provide for that – but some counties do have different chairmen for the commissioner board itself and the board of equalization. “As there was no opportunity for us to have co-chairs of the commissioners, we found this would be a good opportunity, to have a different person be the chairman of the board of equalization,” Obermier noted. Comments are closed.
February 2025