York County deputies made 401 contacts with drivers during traffic safety campaign on Highway 8111/1/2024
YORK COUNTY – Sgt. Taylor Samek with the York County Sheriff’s Office says during the month of October, the YSO participated in a traffic safety overtime initiative which was primarily focused on the Highway 81 corridor in York County. “During this time, deputies assigned to the initiative made 401 contacts which resulted in 60 speeding citations, six driving under the influence of alcohol arrests, three driving under the influence of drugs arrests and two felony arrests,” Sgt. Samek said. “Deputies also issued citations for various other offenses to include minor in possession of alcohol, open container, seat belt violation, failure to move over for a stopped emergency vehicle, careless driving, driving without a license, driving under suspension and driving during revocation.
“Our office’s goal with this campaign was to help reduce collisions throughout Highway 81 and make it safer for our residents,” Samek said further. “The funding for this overtime traffic enforcement campaign is provided by the Special Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) sponsored by the Nebraska Department of Transportation Highway Safety Office. As always, we would encourage the public to report suspected impaired or distracted drivers to the York County Sheriff’s Office at 402-362-4927.” Comments are closed.
February 2025