YORK COUNTY – There will be a whole lot of signage work going on in York County in the near future, as the county has signed an agreement to accept a huge amount of stop signs, “stop ahead” signs, posts and other pertinent installation equipment, thanks to a state program. All the stop signs in the county will be replaced with reflective stop signs. All the stop signs will be accompanied by “stop ahead” signs. All the posts will be reflective as well.
If the county had to pay for all of this, it would cost $164,000. But the cost is being covered by the state’s stop sign program which has begun. “This program is completely using state and federal funding,” York County Highway Superintendent Harvey Keim told the county commissioners this week. “Statewide, the program is going to cost about $2.3 million, I believe. In York County alone, 1,148 signs will be put up and replaced in the county through this safety program.” The county crews will take down the old signs and put up the new. There is a 2025 end-date for completion of the project, but Keim said that timeline is also up for alteration based on when the materials are received. “We are talking semis full of signs, posts, equipment,” Keim said. “When it is finished depends on when we get our materials. But in doing this project, being part of the program, it puts us in full compliance.” “It’s still our money, it just comes from a different hat,” said Commissioner Randy Obermier, referring to the state and federal dollars. “These will be more reflective and it will greatly improve safety on our county roads.” “If all the materials were here today, how long would it take to get them all up?” Obermier asked. “A year,” Keim said, chuckling. “I really don’t know. It will require taking out the old and putting in new. Then we will have the old posts for other uses and the bad signs we will get rid of. The good ones, we can keep in stock to use to replace damaged ones as needed.” “So when people go out and use stop signs as target practice, to take pot shots at, that’s an expensive target, isn’t it?” offered Commissioner Woody Ziegler. “That it is,” Keim said. “Absolutely.” “I think this program is a good thing,” Obermier added. The other board members agreed and signed on for the state stop sign program. Comments are closed.
January 2025