YORK – The York County Commissioners’ preliminary agenda at this point is relatively light, but will likely include more discussion about the 2023-24 budget.
YORK – According to the certified taxable values provided by York County Assessor Kurt Bulgrin, there was valuation growth seen in the county over the last year.
York County asks Fillmore for a slightly larger contribution for share of veterans’ services8/23/2023
YORK – For several years now, York County and Fillmore County have had an interlocal agreement in order to share the cost of veterans’ services.
YORK COUNTY – “It’s that time of year again where farmers are irrigating and we have to remind them to make sure they aren’t watering the roadways,” says Deputy York County Attorney Christopher Johnson. And to remind them that if they do and it damages the road, that is a felony.”
YORK – York County’s zoning regulations call for no more than one house per quarter/quarter of land, without a special permit.
YORK – In a long budget session this week, the York County Commissioners (with a split vote) agreed to cut 10% of the county’s funding for outside agencies such as CASA, York Adopt A Pet, Region V, Blue Valley Behavioral Health, Blue Valley Community Action, York’s Kilgore Library, Hope Crisis Center, the Southeast Nebraska Development District and the York County Development Corporation.
YORK – The York County Commissioners took on the long, tedious task of setting salaries and wages for deputy county officials, department heads and the employees who are under the county board (not in departments led by an elected official).
YORK – After decades of discussion among concerned citizens, county officials and local law enforcement, it has been announced that automated arms will finally be installed at the Road K railroad crossing just northwest of York.
YORK – Tuesday, Aug. 22, the York County Commissioners will continue their review of the preliminary county budget for the 2023-24 fiscal year.
YORK COUNTY – The York County Sheriff’s Department, starting today (Wednesday, Aug. 16), is participating in the “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” enforcement campaign.
February 2025