YORK -- York County Public Transportation will be providing transportation two evenings for people to view holiday lights in York.
They will pick up passengers and bring them home. The cost will be $5 per person. They will be holding this event on Dec. 17 and 18, from 6-8 p.m. Interested persons can call Paula at York County Transportation and book their rides. YORK COUNTY – As the aging population increases, so does the amount of services needed and utilized in York County.
YORK – There is currently a vacancy on the York County Aging Services Board.
Commissioner Jack Sikes said this week Dale Radcliff, who has been a member and the vice-chairman, has resigned his position. “We will be seeking someone to fulfill his position,” Sikes said. Interested individuals can reach out to Sikes or the York County Aging Services office. YORK – What’s historically been called “Meals On Wheels” is now simply referred to as the home meal delivery program – this week, the York County Commissioners signed off on a slightly revised memo of understanding as the longstanding local program continues.
YORK – The York County Commissioners have agreed to increase the pay for drivers who operate the county’s transportation vans for riders from the public.
YORK COUNTY – York County Aging Services Director Lori Byers says her agency has set many events throughout the county where seniors will have the opportunity to get help with their Medicare enrollment.
December 2024