YORK – What’s historically been called “Meals On Wheels” is now simply referred to as the home meal delivery program – this week, the York County Commissioners signed off on a slightly revised memo of understanding as the longstanding local program continues. Lori Byers, director of aging services in York County, explained how the revised memo recognizes the name of the group which delivers the meals has changed. The group now goes as York Home Delivery, rather than a prior name initially connected with a local church group.
She explained how Grand Central prepares the meals and the group of volunteers deliver them to those who are homebound. Her agency takes the phone calls to stop and start service and they distribute the route sheets telling the volunteers where the meals should be delivered. “This just outlines who does what, correct?” asked Commissioner Chairman Randy Obermier. Byers said that is the case. She also said she had the county attorney’s office review the memo of understanding, which Commissioner Daniel Grotz said he appreciated. All the commissioners agreed to the revised and renewed memo. Comments are closed.
February 2025