YORK COUNTY – York County Assessor Kurt Bulgrin says entities who received a permissive tax exemption last year must file a Statement of Reaffirmation of Tax Exemption (Form 451A) by Dec. 31.
YORK COUNTY – The last of the 2024 valuation protests were addressed this week, before the York County Commissioners sitting as the York County Board of Equalization.
YORK COUNTY – The McCool Public School District is the only taxing entity in York County this year which will need to hold a “pink postcard meeting,” which is required for taxing entities when their tax asking increase exceeds 2%.
McCool Junction School District only entity in York County needing to hold “pink postcard” meeting8/30/2024
YORK – According to York County Assessor Kurt Bulgrin, it appears the only political subdivision in York County needing to hold a “pink postcard” meeting this year will be the McCool Public School District.
YORK COUNTY – York County Assessor Kurt Bulgrin has certified the 2024 real property valuations for the county.
YORK – This week, York County Assessor Kurt Bulgrin brought forward two homestead exemption applications which arrived after the set deadline, noting the county commissioners had the legal ability to allow the exemptions even if they came in late.
YORK COUNTY – York County residential property owners who were initially sent incorrect valuation notices (based on the use of the 2020 manual) will receive a board notice for value change in the mail next week.
YORK COUNTY – York County Assessor Kurt Bulgrin has provided an update regarding valuations in York County, saying more parcels in the county (beyond in the City of York) were over-valued and will be corrected.
YORK COUNTY – York County Assessor Kurt Bulgrin is reminding qualified property owners how applications for homestead exemptions need to be sent in by July 1.
YORK COUNTY – Wednesday afternoon, June 5, York County Assessor Kurt Bulgrin offered a statement regarding a valuation situation in the City of York in which inflated valuation amounts were sent to property owners due to a glitch in the process. That was good news for 700-plus property owners in York whose property valuations will actually stay the same, this year.
January 2025