YORK – Since the last meeting of the York County Commissioners, when a constituent expressed concern about the extreme dust coming from white rock-surfaced county roads, they’ve heard more comments. York County Commissioner Chairman Randy Obermier said he had several calls and visits about the matter.
“The positive is that using white rock builds a nice road but the negative is that it is dusty, especially when it’s been as dry as it has been,” Obermier said. “Maybe we should look into some sort of dust suppression to see if it will alleviate the issue. It’s been used in other places in the state and certainly in other states. Yes, we have had calls about what we can do, maybe we should look at it.” There are a variety of products which can treat white rock surfaces, but of course they come with a price. While the topic was only discussed during committee reports, it seems as if the county board will continue looking into the matter for the future. Comments are closed.
January 2025