YORK – York County property taxpayers will soon receive pink postcards in the mail, inviting them to public hearings regarding the budgets of York County and Southeast Community College (SCC). The postcards are required, by a state law that went into effect last year, because the entities’ tax asking grew by more than 2% over last year’s.
York County Assessor Kurt Bulgrin said these are the only two entities in the county being required to have these types of hearings. No villages, cities or school districts will have to do so this year. Last year, in York County, the school districts of York and Heartland had to have these types of hearings, as did nearby Centennial. Bulgrin said the information for the cards has been sent to the company creating the parcels and taxpayers will be receiving them soon. The hearing for SCC will be held in Lincoln, as that entity encompasses a number of counties. York County’s hearing will start at 6:01 p.m., in the lower-level meeting room at the courthouse on Sept. 18. The hearing on Sept. 18 will also be the county’s official budget hearing. Nebraska’s Property Tax Request Act (LB644) was passed by the state legislature in 2021 and took effect in 2022. The Act requires postcards to be sent to each parcel owner (in a taxing sub-district) which includes details about proposed increases and location information for a special hearing. Comments are closed.
January 2025