YORK – “Probation is out of room again,” announced York County Commissioner Chairman Randy Obermier during this week’s regular meeting of the county board. The county is required to provide office space in York for District 5 probation. The space occupied by probation used to be in the courthouse but due to rising numbers of probation clients and services, it was moved to a downtown office space which was rented by the county. Then due to growing cases and probation officers, it was moved into a county-owned building by the fairgrounds.
“But they are needing more space again,” Obermier said. “I will soon be reaching out to the historical society because we may need that building.” The York County Historical Society is independent from the county itself, but it is currently housed in a county-owned space – also near the fairgrounds. “The historical society didn’t turn in a preliminary levy, so they are losing their taxing authority; we have to keep that in mind also,” Obermier said. In a recent meeting with the commissioners, probation representatives said services to clients continue to grow as do the number of individuals who are on probation after committing crimes. York County has seen a substantial jump in recent years, with some attributing it to rising crime, as well as more alternatives to prison sentences. In other matters, Obermier also said, “coming up will be the lease with the ag society.” The county has a longstanding lease with the county regarding the fairgrounds. “They want to re-do the lease. And also, the city will be taking over the soccer fields from the sports authority so we will want to work with the ag society on this new lease before that.” Comments are closed.
February 2025