YORK COUNTY – LeRoy Ott, who was appointed earlier this year to serve District 2 as York County Commissioner, has ultimately been elected to continue in that position, according to the unofficial election results for York County. He was appointed to fulfill the term of Woody Ziegler who unexpectedly passed away. The term for District 2 was up for election this year, so Ott had to also run for election in order to continue serving.
During Tuesday’s Primary Election, he received 245 votes, compared to 207 votes for Nick Wollenburg. Because they were the only candidates seeking the office and both were Republicans, the Primary Election results ultimately determine who will take the oath of office in January of 2025. Ott is retired after 25 years as a co-owner of Fillman Insurance. He said he wanted to run for office as he “simply wants to serve the people of York County four more years and help make York County run efficiently as possible.” During the campaign process he was asked how he felt about the ongoing conversations and pending decisions regarding zoning for solar projects in York County. He said, “I feel the county should proceed cautiously. I believe in landowners’ rights, as long as it does not hurt or harm their neighbors.” He said he feels the roads department “is doing a good job. There could be more continuous training. The question is where we get more funding for roads. The roads in the country were not built for today’s farming equipment. The cost to rebuild roads is astronomical.” When asked about the county’s budget and the tough work of keeping spending down while inflation has had a great affect on everything, Ott said, “I do not feel the people would like having their services cut. I do believe the county could be more innovative in creating revenue without creating new or higher taxes. The state eliminating some unfunded mandates would be a great place to start. If the county could create more revenue in rural areas it would help.” He was asked why he wants to serve the county in this capacity, and he responded, “Your question is my answer. Because I want to serve. I have always served my community. I served as a baseball coach for 25-plus years for kids from across the county. I have served on the York Parks and Rec Advisory Board for 15-plus years. I served on Emmanuel Lutheran School Board for 10 years. I have served on various church boards. I have served as a CASA volunteer for seven years. It’s what I do, it’s who I am. Growing up I was told by two very wise men, Jack Vincent and Tommy Toms, if you’re not helping your community you are hurting it. I want to help.” Comments are closed.
January 2025