YORK COUNTY – The 2024 Primary Election in Nebraska – including in York County – is now complete and it appears all went well; however, the local voter turn-out was quite low. This election was the first time voters were required to present identification when casting their ballots. Election workers said everyone was well informed and happily complied.
Local Boy Scouts were again on hand at the York County Courthouse, Tuesday evening, to help election workers bring in the ballots and election equipment. One by one, workers from the various precincts brought in all election materials where it was accepted by the York County Clerk’s office. Ballot counting went well and was done in record-breaking time, as it only took a couple of hours to complete. Local residents also took the opportunity to watch the ballot delivery, acceptance and counting process. Members of the clerk’s office took the time to answer questions and explain how the entire process works. A number of people spent time in the main courthouse hallway, to watch the ballots be loaded into the counter and how the paper ballots are then filed to be stored. Many commented how interesting the process is, as they had never watched it take place before. Voter turn-out, however, was low. There are 9,235 registered voters in York County. Of those, only 2,475 voted, which is a 26.8% turn-out. There are 6,216 registered Republicans in York County. Of those, 2,049 cast ballots, which is a 32.9% turn-out. There are 1,341 registered Democrats in York County. Of those, 291 cast ballots, which is a 21.7% turn-out. There are 111 registered Libertarians in York County. Of those, seven cast ballots, which is a 6.3% turn-out. There are 32 members of the Legalize Marijuana NOW Party in York County. Of those, one cast a ballot. And there are 1,535 declared non-partisan voters in York County. Of those, 127 cast ballots, which is an 8.27% turn-out. Comments are closed.
January 2025